Action IS0904 – Core Group meeting 5 – Brussels – 31 May 2012- Minutes

Action IS0904 – Core Group meeting 5 – Brussels – 31 May 2012- Minutes

Attendance: Tom Avermaete, Madalena Cunha Matos, Regina Goedecke, Johan Lagae, Thierry Lochard, Claudine Piaton, Pauline van Rosmalen, Mercedes Volait.

Issues discussed:

1. Last budget reallocation for Year 2:

About 12.000€ remain to be spent before 30 June. An editorial meeting in Ghent after mid-June, and a couple of further STSMs (to Geneva, to Paris) are being considered. Figures should be forwarded to Mercedes ASAP since the MC has to e-vote the proposed reallocation. The COST office will be consulted about the possibility of raising the figure allocated to dissemination (2300 € so far).

2. Work and budget plan for year 3:

The tentative scheme worked out by Mercedes and Johan, following discussions at the MC meeting, is discussed and downsized in order to fit the sum granted for year 3 : 102.000 €. The meetings planned are:

6 September 2012 – Brussels, “Funding” meeting (max 6 part.)

October 2012 – Geneva, Editorial: Applied arts (max 6 part.)

19-20 October 2012 – Paris, Editorial: Alternate periodicals (max 6 part.)

November 2012 – Dublin, Editorial: networks (max 12 part.)

November 2012 and May 2013 – Paris, training school preparation and follow-up (max 5 part.)

January 2013 – Thessaloniki, Editorial: documenting transnational architecture (max 8 part.)

18-20 February 2013 – Lisbon, Annual workshop (max 25 part.)

… – Edinburgh – Editorial: Imperial architecture (max 6 part.)

2-7 April 2013 – Ghent, Training School (5 trainers, 25 trainees)

24 May 2013 – Geneva, MC meeting (max. 25 part.)

3. Training school’s title:

The Core group proposes to rename the Training school “Architectural history research in the digital era” in order to avoid confusion on its content. The goal of the event is not to transform researchers onto IT specialists, but to acquire a common basic culture in Digital Humanities. The last title proposed was “Sharing and sustaining data in architectural history”.

4. Training school’s location:

Johan expresses concern about the costs involved in the Ghent “PoortAckere” location. Mercedes insists on the importance of being housed and working in a single location – a crucial factor of success. Funds will certainly remain from the first rounds of meetings, and there is always the possibility of getting further support from the overheads. Plus, Kim may be able to negotiate a better daily rate?

5. Anthology of WG2:

Tom enquires about possible support to fund the publication of the envisioned anthology, from the Dissemination budget. Mercedes reports that she has been informed by Monika Dietl, Head of the COST office, that changes will be shortly introduced in the financial management of the Actions; she has been asked indeed to forward proposals at the respect. More support for publishing or translating falls typically in that category.

5. Final publication:

Mercedes draws the attention of the group on the possibility of asking for a Final Action Publication (up to 10 000€). RULES (from the vademecum) : « It is foreseen to be funded directly by the COST Office if:

• the Action includes a request for a final Action publication in the budget plan of its final year;

• the Action Chair/MC submits a specific request for a final Action publication to the COST Office (Science Officer) no later than 6 months before the official end date of the Action.

• the Action Chair/MC ensures that the invoice for the Final Action Publication will reach the COST Office no later than 12 months after the official end date of the Action.

COST either covers costs for production and distribution by a printing house, or for the purchase of a fixed number of copies of the Action’s high-level publication by a publishing house. Related costs such as graphic design, proofreading, translation and editing are normally not covered. Exceptions need specific approval. »

We might want to start reflecting on its content, with the aim of trying to reach an audience broader than the field of architectural history or colonial architecture, through a series of well-researched case studies, clearly positioned in the literature, and introduced by a collaborative general essay underlining the set of issues at stake and prospects for future research?

6. Grant Holder Secretary:

Réza Kettouche is leaving InVisu on 30 June 2012. A new temporary secretary, Chahira Essayed, has been appointed for the period of June to September 2012. The new Grant Holder secretary, as from 1st October 2012, will be Philippe Hyvoz.

7. Next Core Group meeting:

To take place in conjunction with the next Annual Workshop in Lisbon (17 or 18 February).