Working Groups

The Working Groups bring together scientists already involved in research on their themes and willing to confront, compare, and share their findings as well as new methodologies, new research questions and gain more comparative perspectives on the specific topic of each WG. They are headed by a coordinator, assisted by a co-coordinator.

WG 1 : Actors and networks of expertise

The objective of this research track is to look at the multiplicity of actors that shaped the transfer of European architecture overseas. Research in architectural history traditionally focuses primarily, if not exclusively, on the activity of architects. While a central place will be given to this particular actor of the designing and building process, the [...]

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WG 2 : The printed media and the construction of a canon

European architecture outside of Europe has been mediated and circulated via publications and public events (gazettes, magazines, journals, exhibitions, conferences). Systematic analysis of a range of these media should help identify canonical designs. Research across a number of European titles can contribute to reveal and question national specificities, or conversely similarities across national contexts. The [...]

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WG 3 : Documenting transnational architecture

This third research track focuses on the mapping of the built environment itself as a key to document and study the coming into being of European architecture outside of Europe and the transnational issues at stake. In comparison with the second research track, which starts from printed media, the focus here is on assembling data [...]

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WG 4 : Conceptualizing an infrastructure for collaborative research

This research track is transversal and interdisciplinary. It will offer support to the researchers involved in the three above-mentioned tracks and will pursue the following activities : 1. It will implement the digital means to be used in order to ensure a continuous and interactive communication among participants in the Action throughout its duration. A [...]

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